Proxy visitation refers to conducting a visit on behalf of individuals who are unable to go to shrines or temples due to poor health or distance.

fushimi inari

For those unable to travel to Japan from abroad, we offer a proxy shrine visitation service. We'll handle apologies for transgressions, offer prayers for happiness, improve financial luck, and address any concerns you may have.

Do we really need proxy visits for religions we don't believe in?
Thinking that way is very correct. However, please wait a moment.
For example, when an exorcist is banishing demons, is it suitable to burn incense? Certainly, holy water would be more appropriate, wouldn't it?


Changing the means according to the purpose is not an act of betraying the god one believes in.
It may become necessary depending on the time and situation.

The demand for our proxy visitation services has surged not only internationally but also within Japan itself.



Divine punishment

The tradition of facing punishment for rudeness or disrespect is present in various cultures and religions.

There are legends in various cultures and religions that tell of punishment for rudeness or disrespect:


Greek Mythology

Hubris (arrogance) and Nemesis (retribution) are common themes in Greek mythology, where both gods and humans who display arrogant attitudes often face consequences.


Judaism's "Ten Commandments"

The Ten Commandments in Judaism imply that not adhering to the commandments may lead to spiritual hindrances and the potential loss of God's blessings.


The story of Ananias and Sapphira in the Christian Bible

Ananias and Sapphira, who appear in the Acts of the Apostles, are said to have provided false information to the community of believers and deceived God. They met a fatal end as a punishment for their actions.


In Japan, it's also said that one may experience misfortune, be afflicted by fox possession, or even face death as a consequence of such behavior, and stories of this nature have been heard up to the present day.


Shrines and temples are places of worship.

During a trip to Japan, I imagine you'll visit places like shrines, the mountains and thousand torii gates of Fushimi Inari,the Great Buddha in Nara, and encounter deer.
If you behave rudely at shrines or temples, you will invariably receive rudeness in return, directly proportional to the rudeness you displayed.

When traveling in Japan, you will likely visit various shrines and temples.


For example:
・Shrines and temples
・Fushimi Inari's mountain
・Senbon-Torii(The thousand torii gates) at Fushimi Inari
・Nara's Great Buddha and deer in Nara Park


It is important to behave respectfully at shrines and temples. Any disrespectful actions will inevitably come back to the person who committed them.



During your trip to Japan, let's check if you have committed any taboos.


・Insulted a deity
・Destroyed shrines or temples
・I scribbled on a shrine or temple. I caused damage.
・Visited a small, deserted Inari shrine
・Visited during a period of mourning
 (If a relative passes away, you observe a mourning period for 49 days. During this time, it is inappropriate to visit a shrine (temples are okay)).
・Visited a shrine while in a state of bleeding
 (Both men and women experiencing heavy bleeding, such as during menstruation or due to a significant injury, should refrain from visiting a shrine (temples are okay)).
・I disposed of garbage at shrines or temples.
・I disposed of garbage at 'senbon-torii'.
・Changed your wish but didn't cancel the original one.
・Your wish came true at a shrine or temple, but you haven't come back to express gratitude.
・Kept an amulet or talisman for many years.
・Visited a shrine at night.



Proxy Worship Service

For those residing outside Japan, who are unable to come here due to distance, I will stand in your place, offer thanks and apologies to the deities on your behalf.


Benefits of the service:

・Avoiding divine punishment by offering apologies to the deities.
・Avoiding divine punishment by expressing gratitude to the deities.
・It can purify and exorcise evil spirits and negative energies.
・Being able to convey your wishes to the deities.
・Cancellation of a wish.

What is Cancellation of a wish?
When you make a wish at a shrine or temple, even if your current wish is granted or if you change your wish, the previous wish remains active.


Especially if the direction of your life changes, if the past wish is still active, a percentage of your "ki" (energy) is still being drawn towards that old wish. This puts you in a state of dissipating your energy.


This situation is similar to becoming a member of a paid service that you never use, and without realizing it, a certain amount of money is deducted from your card every month.


Service Plans

We offer various plans for your convenience.

Amulet Return Plan
Price: $19
Return of amulets, etc., and worship.
Please cover the postage for amulets and similar items sent to me.

Proxy Worship Plan
Price: $59
Making wishes, expressing gratitude, wish fulfillment, etc., and worship.

Proxy Worship and Prayer Plan
Price: $99 + Initial Offering for Prayer (will be determined based on the wish, will inform you after preliminary investigation)
Making wishes, expressing gratitude, wish fulfillment, etc., and especially, a Shinto priest at the shrine will perform a ritual for your wishes and prayers.


Shinto priest performing a ritual at F35.

fushimi inari

Source:United States Forces Japan (USFJ)(Photo by Thinh D. Nguyen, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company)


On June 5, 2017, the first F-35A assembled in Japan received a purification and prayer conducted by Shinto priests at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) F-35 Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) facility in Nagoya.

Customized Plan for Your Preferred Shrine or Temple
You can choose from the Amulet Return Plan, Proxy Worship Plan, or Proxy Worship and Prayer Plan by paying an additional fee.
Price: The price of each plan + $19 + Transportation Expenses: Calculated from the office including gasoline and highway tolls.
Service Area: Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Hyogo
- This plan also covers visits to the main hall of Fushimi Inari Taisha.
- For apologies involving a mountain climb, there is the Fushimi Inari Mountain Climb Proxy Worship Plan.
For areas outside the service area, please inquire separately (additional expenses may include transportation and accommodation fees).

Fushimi Inari Mountain Climb Proxy Worship
Price: $299 (Including Offering Fee)
Due to physical limitations, only one group per month will be accepted (availability subject to weather conditions, such as extreme summer or winter).

【out of service】Price: $899 Fushimi Inari Climbing Proxy Apology Plan
Normally, apologies should be made by the individual themselves, not by a proxy. However, if circumstances such as illness, injury, or old age prevent one from coming to Japan and climbing the mountain for the apology, I am willing to assist.


Already in a state of misfortune or afflicted, such as by fox possession, our office is unable to provide assistance. Please seek out a shaman.
Currently, we are unable to introduce any available shamans for your request.


If you believe you may have incurred the displeasure of Inari-sama in any way, please contact us promptly.
Inquiries and consultations are free of charge.


For specific details, please consult with us individually.



お祓い(Purification ritual)

厄除開運 - Warding off misfortune and inviting good luck
家内安全 - Safety of one's family
交通安全 - Traffic safety



商売繁昌 - Prosperity in business
身体健康 - Good health
病気平癒 - Healing from illness
安産祈願 - Prayer for Safe Childbirth
心願成就 - Fulfillment of wishes
学業成就 - Academic success
試験合格 - Success in exams


お礼参り・願解き(Expressing gratitude and Cancellation of a wish)

その他 - Other


The Procedure for Proxy Worship

First, please contact us with your request via Application Form.
We will respond with an estimate via email.


Once you are satisfied with the details, we kindly request payment. If you have any inquiries, changes, or need to cancel, please inform us via Inquiry Form. (Consultations, changes, and cancellations are free of charge.)


We will perform the proxy worship.


Reporting the completion of the proxy worship.



Frequently Asked Questions

What are the available payment methods?

We use the PayPal system.  You can use PayPal, debit cards, and credit cards as payment methods on the payer's side.
Once the plan and your preferences have been confirmed and the amount is determined, you can make the payment through


Can I still receive blessings through proxy worship?

Yes, of course, it's generally better for the individual to visit in person. However, many shrines and temples do welcome proxy worship.


Is it permissible for a family member (someone other than the individual) to receive proxy prayers on behalf of the person?

Of course, it is best for the individual to receive the prayers themselves, but a proxy is also acceptable. During registration, we will ask for the individual's 'address,' 'name,' 'date of birth,' 'wish,' and other details.


Will you truly conduct proxy worship?

I understand that you may have doubts. However, I am deeply afraid of deceiving both you and the deities and incurring divine punishment. Therefore, I conduct proxy worship with utmost sincerity.


Do you conduct proxy worship jointly with other clients?

No, I will personally act as the client and perform the worship on their behalf, so it cannot be conducted jointly with other requests. Additionally, as it is considered inappropriate to combine visits ('tsuide-mairi'), I will not conduct visits for separate requests immediately following one another. Each request will have its own designated date and time, and I will visit the shrine from the office accordingly.


Can I also request to purchase amulets or receive temple seals?

Yes, we can accommodate that. However, please note that you will be responsible for both the shipping fee and the cost of the items.


Can I specify which shrine or temple I would like?

We can accommodate this depending on the plan. Currently, we primarily cover Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and Hyogo prefectures, but we also handle shrines in more distant locations.


Is any wish acceptable?

Yes, any wish is acceptable. However, we must respectfully decline requests that involve cursing or wishing harm upon others.


Is offering sake permissible?

Yes, it is possible. Please note that the cost for offering sake will be borne by the customer.


Guaranteed peace of mind.

Privacy Protection
Your personal information is strictly protected and will not be provided to third parties. Additionally, the information you provide will only be used for customer management, contacting you, and for the priest to recite to the gods during the ceremony.


(Address, name, date of birth, and age are only necessary to convey your wishes to the gods.)



Questions, consultations, estimates, and cancellations before payment are free of charge.


Let's Talk for a Happier Life! Your Consultation is On the House. Share Your Hopes and Questions. We're Here to Support You to the Fullest. Get in Touch Now!