Yakiniku Teisyoku (set meal with grilled meat)

set meal with grilled meat



What is "Yakiniku Teisyoku (set meal with grilled meat)"?
Yakiniku Teishoku, originally, is a type of set meal served in Japan at casual dining establishments or beef bowl chains.


While there are various variations depending on the restaurant, a typical yakiniku teishoku consists of thinly sliced meat and vegetables marinated in sauce, accompanied by a serving of rice, miso soup, and pickled vegetables.


set meal with grilled meat


The difference between yakiniku and yakiniku teishoku is as follows

Yakiniku is a Japanese cooking style that translates to "grilled meat." In yakiniku, fresh meat and vegetables are typically grilled directly on a table-mounted grill (referred to as a "roaster" or "net") and enjoyed. Yakiniku is served as individual dishes, allowing you to choose the type of meat, cut, cooking method, and seasoning according to personal preferences. It is common to be served with sauces or marinades to enhance the flavor and enjoyment of the meat.


On the other hand, yakiniku teishoku is a set meal style where yakiniku serves as the main dish. In addition to yakiniku, a yakiniku teishoku includes side dishes such as rice, miso soup, and pickled vegetables. The types of yakiniku and the accompanying sauces or seasonings are typically predetermined and offered as a set menu. Yakiniku teishoku is popular as a well-balanced meal option.


In summary, yakiniku is a cooking style where grilled meat and vegetables are enjoyed, while yakiniku teishoku is a set meal style where yakiniku serves as the main dish.


Benefits of ”Yakiniku Teisyoku (set meal with grilled meat)”
The advantage of a yakiniku set meal over pizza or french fries is its good nutritional balance. A yakiniku set meal contains a balanced combination of protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and vegetables. On the other hand, pizza and french fries are often considered high in fat, high in calories, and low in nutritional value, so moderate consumption is recommended. A yakiniku set meal can be considered a healthy choice as it takes into account nutritional balance in the meal.



Beef is a good source of protein that contains a good balance of the nine essential amino acids. It is said to be a recommended food for health-conscious people because it is rich in minerals such as "iron" and "zinc. It also contains a lot of "L-Carnitine" which has a fat-burning effect, and is therefore expected to be eaten in a tasty way while being conscious of loss weights.



Allicin (allyl sulfide) in onions has antibacterial effects, boosts immunity, promotes cholesterol metabolism, and prevents the formation of blood clots. In addition, it is expected to relieve fatigue, stabilize the mind, and improve immunity.


mitsuhiro eguchi


The appeal of grilled meat, dark and flavorful side dishes, and a satisfying balance of flavors make it a truly delicious experience.


Thinly sliced meat?

Thinly sliced meat is easy to eat and tastes great with its meaty texture and flavor. 


Its tenderness allows both the elderly and children to eat it with ease, making it a very good food in terms of nutrition and meal satisfaction. 


It is worth asking for a special slice at the butcher's or buying a slicer to incorporate it.


mitsuhiro eguchi


Once you have thin slices of pork or beef belly, your Japanese food repertoire will expand dramatically.



Gas stove cooking

Yakiniku Teisyoku (set meal with grilled meat)


Material/ Serves 1


about 250g

Thinly sliced beef belly meat





about 100ml

Yakiniku sauce



about 100g

Shredded cabbage



set meal with grilled meat








set meal with grilled meat

Put thinly sliced beef belly meat into a bowl.


set meal with grilled meat

Pour yakiniku sauce over the meat.


set meal with grilled meat

Mix well to thoroughly coat the meat with the yakiniku sauce.


set meal with grilled meat

Let it marinate in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.



Step2.Please stir-fry it well.

set meal with grilled meat

Please slice the onions.


set meal with grilled meat

Please stir-fry it gently to avoid burning.


set meal with grilled meat

Please put the meat that has been resting into the frying pan.


set meal with grilled meat

Please stir-fry it well.



Step3.Please pour it onto the plate.

set meal with grilled meat

Please place shredded cabbage on a plate.


set meal with grilled meat

Please place the stir-fried meat and onions on top of the cabbage.




set meal with grilled meat

Enjoy it as soon as it is done.



mitsuhiro eguchi


Cabbage is optional, but I recommend it. When the hot meat is placed on the cabbage, it becomes warm, and the yakiniku sauce seeps in, making it tender and delicious. Even though I am not a fan of vegetables, I always enjoy this cabbage.




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