Japanese Food and Health Q&A

Vegetarian Cuisine


Is japanese food vegan?

Japanese food is not vegan. However, there is a "syoujinryouri" recommended for vegans and vegetarians.


[Syoujin ryouri]
Cooking to cleanse oneself and refrain from deeds. Cooking without killing or eating animals.


syoujin: to cleanse oneself and refrain from deeds.
ryouri : cooking.


What japanese food is vegan?

What japanese food is vegetarian?

Among Japanese foods, there is one called "Syoujin ryouri". "Syoujin ryouri" is food that does not contain any animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, or milk. In Buddhism, killing is forbidden, so meat eating is not allowed.
There are dishes that resemble meat or fish, but they are cooked with soybeans or other vegetable matter.


It is a common meal eaten at funerals and memorial services even by ordinary Japanese Buddhists who are not Buddhist monks.


In Japan, regardless of the religion one follows, vegetarian and vegan diets are favored by many. It is not necessary to be a Buddhist to adopt such dietary preferences.


Vegetarians and vegans can also enjoy this dish with peace of mind.


If you search, you will find many Syoujin ryouri restaurants. It will be fun to taste vegetarian food when you come to Japan.


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